Hidden foster care resources.
The Imprint
Special Series: Hidden Foster Care
In an ongoing series that includes investigative stories from across the country, The Imprint reveals the breadth and depth of hidden foster care — the separation of hundreds of thousands of children from their parents by child welfare agencies, outside of the watchful eye of the courts.
Family For Every Child
How to Support Kinship Care: Lessons Learnt From Around the World
Growing up in a safe and caring family is fundamental for achieving a child’s rights. For the millions of children across the world who cannot be cared for by parents, care by the extended family or friends of the family offers the best chance of such a home.
Casey Family Programs
How is the practice of hidden foster care inconsistent with federal policy and harmful to children and families?
Hidden foster care is an unregulated practice inconsistent with federal policy whereby a child protection agency — following an investigation and a child removal decision — facilitates the child’s move from the family to the care of kin (a relative or trusted community member) in lieu of seeking legal custody or providing economic or other supports.