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The Coalition aims to raise awareness of the harms of hidden foster care and advocates for policy reform to protect children, parents, and relative caregivers from those harms. The Coalition is actively engaged in efforts to educate the public regarding the dangers of hidden foster care, collect data on the real-life impact of hidden foster care on families across the nation, and promote national and state legislative and regulatory measures that will protect families. 

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Following a very successful Congressional Briefing hosted by the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth on July 20, 2023,  the Coalition has been expanding its bipartisan work with members of Congress and the Administration, and has consulted with state leaders about how to limit hidden foster care practices at the state and local level. 

The Coalition to End Hidden Foster Care is an affiliated project of the Institute to Transform Child Protection at the Mitchell Hamline School of Law.


The Coalition to End Hidden Foster Care works to remedy unregulated practices of child protection systems that separate children from their parents in the absence of due process of law or the supports necessary for kinship caregivers to ensure child safety and stability.


Josh Gupta-Kagan, Co-Convener

Clinical Professor, Columbia Law School

Angela Burton, Model Law Chair

Convener, RepealCAPTA Workgroup

Jed Dews, Membership Chair

Executive Director, HALOS (SC)

Emilie Cook

Preventive Legal Advocacy Fellow
Barton Child Law & Policy Center

Aubrey Edwards-Luce

Executive Director, Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts

Allison Green

Legal Director, National Association of
Counsel for Children

Valerie L'Herrou

Deputy Director, Virginia Policy Law Center
Center for Family Advocacy

Sylvia V. Long

Supervising Attorney, Maryland Office of the Public Defender (Parental Defense)

Anjana Samant

Women's Rights Project Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU

Fallon J. Speaker, Esq.

Director, Youth Justice Program of the Legal Aid Justice Center; Co-Founder, Virginia Family Preservation Project

Melissa Staas*

Supervisory Attorney, Legal Aid Chicago

Diane Redleaf, Co-Convener

Director, Family Defense Consulting

Sharon Balmer Cartagena, Media Chair

Directing Attorney, Public Counsel
Children's Rights Project

Andrew Brown

Associate Vice President of Policy, Texas Public Policy Foundation

Kathleen Creamer

Managing Attorney, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia

Aditi Fruitwala

Staff Attorney, ACLU

Cathy Krebs*

Director, American Bar Association Litigation Section Children's Rights Litigation Committee

Vania Leveille

Senior Legislative Counsel, ACLU, National Political Advocacy Department

Michael Ramey

President, Parental Rights Foundation

Dr. Stef Sloan

Professor and Research/Evaluation Consultant, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare

Marla Spindel

Executive Director, DC KinCare Alliance

Melody Webb

Executive Director, Mother’s Outreach Network

Organizational affiliation is listed for identification purposes only.


*Individual does not engage in any lobbying for legislation on behalf of the coalition except in their individual non-affiliated role. 


The Coalition to End Foster Care is a broad national group comprised of advocates for children, parents, and kinship caregivers, and includes persons with lived experience with hidden foster care. The Coalition currently has 61 active members, representing 24 states and territories where members are engaged in efforts to mitigate the harmful practice of hidden foster care. Individuals who are aligned with our principles—and have lived or professional experience related to hidden foster care—may apply to join the coalition.

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The Coalition to End Hidden Foster is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice or resources. We recommend consulting with a licensed attorney for legal assistance in child welfare cases.

© 2024 Coalition to End Hidden Foster Care


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